Sunday, December 4, 2016

Should I Just Quit???

 I started this Blog to detail the daily ups and downs of someone trying to start a business. I wanted it to be a real account of what I experienced without being sugar coated or watered down. I mis-spell words and cuss and sometimes rant just to rant. But the bottom line is this is my experience, so for better or worse I'm gunna tell ya how I see it.
  So with that being said.....I'm getting pretty discouraged right now. Its been a couple weeks since I've opened the YungNSavage Online Store and despite getting nothing but awesome feedback, I haven't sold a single shirt. I really dont know what Im doing wrong tho. I mean if people were telling me that the designs sucked or whatever I would go back to the drawing board and come up with some some new ideas. But that's not the case. Ive promoted on Social Media a lot and I get a decent amount of traffic to the store online, but it still hasn't produced any sales. I don't know what i'm doing wrong really. I put together what I thought were clever and catchy promo stuff like Pics and Videos promoting YnS and still nothing. I thought at least Family and friends would buy a few but I was way wrong. So it looks like I need to make some changes.
  Now the task at hand is finding a way to reach a bigger audience. I looked up the various design compettions online and submitted to a couple I thought seemed legit, posts this TShirt Tuesday challenge and three of my designs have already been selected, but the challenge is getting people to vote on my design. The competition lasts for 10 days, and I think I have 7 left. I got like 50 or 60 votes on all three of my entries but I really don't think its close enough to win anything. The site is cool tho because if you win you get the prize money up front - but my favorite part is - They sell your design on there website and give your a percentage of sales. Which would put a lot of eyes on YungNSavage and I NEED the exposure.
  Even with things starting off at a snail's pace, I'm still going to create new designs, promote as much as I can, and keep researching to be a better entrepreneur. The Next step is to find the best way to spend some advertising money. Should I pay to boost posts on FB or pay for an actual add on another site? Im not sure yet, plus I really don't have much to spend. My other idea is to recruit some of these folks in the music bizz I know and hopefully get them to endorse my shit. I know for sure if I send them some shirts that they would wear em - I just really dont have the funds to send a bunch of merch out right now. I think my best bet is to maybe come up with a design for an Artist or group. Have them endorse and promote it. Then give them a percentage of sales myself. Just a couple thoughts I'm bouncing around in my head but we'll see how things go. I appreciate everyone reading this, feel free to comment below if you have any ideas or suggestions. Real feedback is much needed. Thanks again guys and dont forget to check out the store...who knows you might be customer #1