Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Idea

  With a little of my background explained in the previous post I would like to go over how I came up with the concept of a Clothing line and how I started to pursue it.
  I've always enjoyed fashion. I've always felt an overwhelming need to not only dress well but to stand out in what I was wearing. Looking back at some of my old pics and seeing what I had on made me realize that this wasn't always a perfect mix. Like any extroverted poor white kid living in the Hood my love for hip hop and rap music was reflected in what I wore. From my super colorful Coogi sweater matched with full denim (pants and jacket) yellow bandana and OG Godfather hat, to my size 50 black dickies with matching black shirt and bandanna folded over one eye (yea). I had no problem standing out.
  Throughout my experimental and sometime extraordinary outfit phase I learned that fashion and comfort barely ever go hand in hand, but I realized like everyone else on some level, when i looked good I felt good - That simple.
  So as time went on and I pursued my music career, it led me to learning and doing a lot of graphic work for stuff like cd covers, posters, flyers, and countless promo for social networking sites. Before long I gained a reputation as the Go To Guy around my city and started really getting into the design side of it. I studied everything myself, I like to say I have my masters in Google and Youtube do to the amount of time Ive spent researching visual effects, but I've never been formally trained.
  More time passed. Jobs came and went. I studied more and made more art. The feedback was extremely positive from people I worked with and I wanted a way to reach more people with what I was creating. All the while fashion was constantly changing around me. From baggy jeans to super tight skinny jeans - rappers wearing gender neutral clothes - man buns - dresses - etc etc etc.....
But the two things that never changed was a good T Shirt and dope sneakers. Everyone can relate to that favorite shirt they have tucked in there room somewhere. The one they put on and instantly feel better. Well I wanted all my T Shirts to be like that. I wanted to go into my closet and have all my favorite super comfortable shirts lined up, be able to grab one at random and know its gonna fit like it always has.
  I would buy shirts at the mall brand new, then go the thrift store to try and find that same brand shirt and see how it held up over the years. That led me to recognizing all these different brands and what ones I really liked. A lot of stores do there own prints but mostly there on low quality cheap shirts so that they can maximize profits. I found shirts I liked but knew they wouldn't last long. Even doing the ol wear it for a lil bit and put it back on the hanger trick only lasted so long. So that's when the idea hit me. I needed to make the designs I liked, the designs i didnt see anywhere else and put them on a Hi Quality material.
  I downloaded blank shirt templates and went to work on designs for prints. I researched and located a Drop shipping printer for the shirts and made an Online store to sell em. I wanted edgy urban designs on colors that were exciting. I wanted to represent the environment so many of us were entrenched in, in a way that was light and comfortable.
  So YungNSavage Clothing was Born -- like 4 days ago ;)
The next blog Ill go over how I actually started the store online - How I picked the drop shipper and printer - and more tales from this New adventure I'm On -- Thanks 4 reading and make sure u visit the store and check it out!!!    ---------->

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